Humans just wore AR contact lenses for the first time, & I’d like to pre-order my pair.
We will look back at the years when people walked down the street, necks bent, staring down at little screens in their hands as an absurdly primitive way to interact with information...
Humans have just worn augmented reality contact lenses for the first time, and I’d like to pre-order my pair.
If you're any older than 23, you were raised on a strict diet of tech distrust/ dystopian future paranoia. Or at least, even though tech continued to positively impact society, the world you were raised in tried to feed that narrative.
In 1999 was the Y2K bug. Society panicked, believing that at the stroke of new year's, a problem in computerized coding systems would wreak havoc on networks worldwide. Now, it's not to say that there wasn't a glitch that needed solving. But, as the 2000's rolled in uneventfully, it's clear that the fear was frenzied.
And far before that -- electricity? Well, initially, most households rejected the idea.
Tech is now evolving exponentially and dramatically altering the traditional roles of humans in the economy and society. Even what we see today, may have seemed far-fetched five years ago.
As someone who's constantly on my phone for business, family, and friends, I welcome the integration of my physical and virtual worlds, and the future... contrary to what the movies like The Matrix warned us about.
Considering a future with AR contact lenses (pixel density 30 times that of an iPhone!) replacing handheld devices that we inevitably drop, lose, or continuously replace, makes a lot of sense. I've stopped allowing bias and preconceived notions to intimidate or limit my potential.
Humans are already cyborgs. Entertainment media taught us to fear that eventuality. But we'd arrived here decades ago with medical prosthetics, cosmetic enhancements, wireless AirPods, and our mobile phones just about being an extension of our hands.
As long as we shy away from integration, we will be forced to disengage from reality to visit what occurs online. I'll let you know as soon as I hear about them going on sale.