I’ve decided I want to upgrade myself into a human/AI hybrid.

Let me explain. Personally speaking, I’m always pursuing efficiency and seeking to maximize my time and bandwidth, every second of the day. Throughout all this, I’m enabled by my most reliable assistant: my smartphone.

This small but powerful device has consolidated multiple tools we’ve used in the past into one compact package. We carry it with us for hours on end, and it helps us be efficient and productive.

But what if it could make our lives even smoother? What if we could integrate all of its capabilities into our own bodies?

We already find ourselves glued to our phones 24/7, and AI-powered systems are increasingly governing our lives. What if we could bring together the physical and virtual worlds to achieve a synergy that helps us become better versions of ourselves? After all, AI is developing rapidly, but are we doing the same?

Remember that AI singularity, the day when artificial intelligence finally eclipses that of humanity’s, is fast-approaching: 2045, if famed futurist Ray Kurzweil is on the money again, as he usually is.

The way I see the world going is embracing this change, embracing AI and merging with it to become better, faster, stronger and smarter, so that we can focus on the things that truly matter to us as human beings: creativity, communication and community.

Companies like Synchron, Blackrock Neurotech and Neuralink are already taking the first steps towards merging the human mind with computers. Other brands like Dangerous Things are developing the microchip that my friend Daniel Jaramillo has implanted, which supports RFID and NFC connectivity. Science Corp, the second most funded brain-computer interface company in the world, is developing a prosthetic eye that would allow us to access AR and VR seamlessly, while restoring vision to the blind.

We’re beyond the period where these technologies were science fiction. Investors are putting actual money behind these projects, and everyday we are getting closer to a reality where we achieve this synergy between human and machine. And I'm excited.

Briar Prestidge

Close Deals in Heels is an office fashion, lifestyle and beauty blog for sassy, vivacious and driven women. Who said dressing for work had to be boring? 


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