#E35 Transcending the Limitations of Evolution Begins When Mindsets Shift With David Wood
On this episode of HYPERSCALE, I am joined by David Wood, the celebrated author of "The Death of Death" and "The Abolition of Aging", a visionary futurist who chairs the London Futurists, regularly contributes to its newsletter, and heads the independent futurist consultancy, Delta Wisdom. With foresight fed from a diverse background in technology, David Wood humanizes radical tech disruptions and transformations that change – and could potentially alter - society and humanity.
#E34 The 4 Factors That Decide Our Biological Age With Sebastijan Orlić
On this episode of HYPERSCALE, I am joined by Sebastijan Orlić, the CEO of health consulting company Quality of Life, and a Specialist at GlycanAge, a company that helps people identify their true biological age and helps them improve their lives with longevity best practices.
#E33 The Road to Becoming a Cyborg Starts with a Microchip With Jowan Österlund
On this episode of HYPERSCALE, I am joined by Jowan Österlund, a body piercer turned biotech entrepreneur, who’s becoming of the most vocal advocates of the biohacking movement in Sweden and the world. He is the CEO of Biohax International, and currently leads commercial biohacking in Sweden with his vision of seamless integration between humans and technology.
#E32 Are We Living in a Digital Simulation? With Gray Scott
On this episode of HYPERSCALE, I am joined by Gray Scott, Futurist, Techno-Philosopher, Speaker, and Founder and CEO of SeriousWonder. He is also a professional member of The World Future Society, and the co-organizer of the NY Futurists Meetup.
Gray Scott is quickly becoming widely recognized as one of the most exciting, inspiring and controversial futurists of our time, speaking and writing on a variety of futuristic subjects, including: life extension, artificial wombs, mind-to-machine technologies, artificial intelligence, cyborgs, future digital consciousness, longevity, digital brain preservation, post-human philosophy, transhumanism, the technological singularity, and more.
#E31 Epigenetic Reprogramming Is the Key to a Longer Lifespan With Yuri Deigin
On this episode of HYPERSCALE, I am joined by Yuri Deigin, a longevity activist, drug developer, and the Co-Founder and Director of YouthBio Therapeutics, a company developing tissue-specific rejuvenating gene therapies based on partial cellular reprogramming.
Yuri’s journey with longevity is a personal one. After he lost his grandmother to Alzheimer’s, he underwent a DNA test and discovered that he carried two copies of a specific allele, epsilon four, which is a variant of a gene called Apolipoprotein E (Apo-E). This meant that he was 15 to 20 times more at risk of Alzheimer's than people who didn’t carry this allele, which put his entire life in perspective.
Since that discovery, Yuri has devoted his time and efforts to exploring Alzheimer’s and researching drugs and gene therapies to combat it. Given that Alzheimer’s is a primarily age-related disease, his attention quickly shifted to longevity treatments and cellular reprogramming efforts to address the disease at its root cause.
#E30 Is Cryopreservation A Second Chance At Life With Max More
On this episode of HYPERSCALE, I am joined by Dr. Max More, one of the founders of the modern philosophy of transhumanism, co-founder of the Extropy Institute, an organization crucial in building the transhumanist movement since 1990, and Ambassador and President Emeritus of the Alcor Life Extension Foundation, one of the largest cryonics facilities in the world.
#E29 Leveraging the Metaverse to Better Our Lives With Sophia Moshasha
On this episode of HYPERSCALE, I am joined by Sophia Moshasha, Vice President of the DC Chapter of the VR/AR Association, co-founder of XR women, and a producer and host of The Polys - WebXR Awards, who since 2017 has been actively engaged in the immersive technology community and a field expert consulted by leading media platforms.
#E28 To Defeat Aging, We Must First Acknowledge That It Can Be Cured With Aubrey de Grey
On this episode of HYPERSCALE, I am joined by Aubrey de Grey, a world-famous transhumanist, writer, and biomedical gerontologist who has been researching the medical answer to aging in humans for over 30 years. He currently serves as President and Chief Science Officer at Longevity Escape Velocity Foundation.
#E27 How a Brush With Death Led to a Pursuit of Immortality and a Race for the Presidency Against Trump With Zoltan Istvan
On this episode of HYPERSCALE, I am joined by Zoltan Istvan, a prominent transhumanist, journalist, philosopher and former US presidential candidate.
After a close call with a landmine in Vietnam nearly cost him his life, Zoltan has come to reconsider the concepts of life, death and potential immortality. Realizing the frailty of the human body, he has spent the rest of his life since advocating for new technology and treatments to help us prolong our lifespan, and ultimately live forever.
But is immortality a guaranteed result? Even Zoltan wonders this himself, which has led him to identify the "transhumanist wager." Essentially, this philosophy recognizes that a prolonged lifespan is not guaranteed, but if we do nothing, we will all expect to die between the ages of 70 and 100 (or so) years. However, if we spend our lives promoting transhumanism and pursuing means of radical life extension, we better our odds of long-term survival. Therefore, Zoltan reasons, anyone who doesn't want to accept a normal lifespan must throw themselves into transhumanism. They must make the transhumanist wager.
#E26 Understanding the Implications of Sentient AI and the Role of Humanity in a Digital-First Future With Tech Expert and Futurist Theo Priestley
On this episode of HYPERSCALE, I am joined by Theo Priestley, a renowned futurist, tech expert and international speaker.
“I do see artificial general intelligence, AI that is capable of human-level intellect and creativity, [become a reality] within 10 years, which kind of poses a problem because it does give us a countdown in a sense.”
“If we are complacent and wait for it to happen, then it will be too late. Because at that point in time, you will be talking to your computer or through an interface like you and I are talking. There’s no going back from that point.”
With a long history of being involved in the tech world, Theo shares insights about what we can expect from artificial intelligence once we reach the point of singularity, when AI becomes as intelligent as humans, and how we will have to contend with a new type of sentient beings.
Will AI develop to the point where humans become obsolete? Will we all serve an AI overlord? Will we merge with technology to keep up with this new machine intelligence? Will chips and device implants make us more susceptible to influence and manipulation?
Tune in to this exciting conversation as we explore the implications of sentient AI, digital twins, and longer lives.
#E25 Ending Human Suffering Using the Three Supers of Transhumanism with David Pearce, Philosopher and Co-Founder of Humanity+
On this episode of HYPERSCALE, I am joined by David Pearce, a philosopher and the co-founder of the transhumanist association Humanity+.
David’s life has been devoted to transhumanist topics and what he calls the "hedonistic imperative,” a moral obligation to work towards the abolition of suffering in all sentient life. He believes that through technological advancement, humanity will be able to address both the mental and physical ailments that lead to us experiencing suffering. Eventually, we will be able to nip these issues in the bud on the genetic level, before birth even.
David views technology such as genetic engineering and AI as some of the key enablers that will allow us to achieve these goals. Eventually, he sees humanity extending these options to animals as well, where we will be able to reprogram their bodies and improve their lives.
#E24: Radical Life Extension and Human Augmentation With Dr. Natasha Vita-More, the Author of The Transhumanism Manifesto
On this episode of HYPERSCALE, I am joined by Dr. Natasha Vita-More, one of the most renowned futurists in the world.
The brilliant mind behind "The Transhumanism Manifesto," published in 1988, Natasha's ideologies have helped shape many of the key pillars of transhumanism as we know them today. A strong believer in the continuous improvement of the human experience, she views aging as a disease to be cured and conquered through augmentation and enhancement of the human body and brain made possible by advancing science and technology.
She also debunks many of the myths surrounding transhumanism, setting the record straight on what the goal of this movement ultimately is.
Join us in this riveting conversation as we explore topics like life extension, human augmentation, and cryonic vitrification.
#E23 Understanding Immortality and What Life Will Be Like by 2045 With Futurist José Luis Cordeiro.
On this episode of HYPERSCALE, I am joined by José Luis Cordeiro, economist, futurist, transhumanist and the author of the best-selling book “The Death of Death.”José explains to me that in the future, by 2045, we will achieve immortality, essentially able to rejuvenate the human body and reverse aging. He dubs this biological impermanence hardware immortality.
The second kind, software immortality, involves us as posthumans living in digital worlds, with our mind constructs uploaded to the cloud allowing us to live multiple coexisting lives between reality and virtual space.At the heart of this research is science that exists in the world today, as there are examples of immortality within nature already. Using these examples and the Yamanaka factors, the 4 ‘aging genes,’ humanity has a chance to extend its lifespan indefinitely.
#E22 How to Navigate the Unprecedented Change in Society that Lies Ahead with Futurist and Behavioral Scientist Chris Marshall
On this episode of HYPERSCALE, I am joined by Chris Marshall, a renowned futurist, behavioral scientist, and author of the groundbreaking book "Decoding Change."
With a background in diverse fields like behavioral science and global macro strategy, Chris provides a unique perspective on human potential and offers insights on how to navigate our rapidly evolving world.
We delve into his framework for understanding and adapting to change, exploring the next obstacles humanity may face.
We also discuss predictions on emerging trends in human behavior that will shape society in the coming decade.
#E21 How to Unleash Your Inner Superhuman With the CEO of Smarter Not Harder Boomer Anderson
On this episode of HYPERSCALE, we dive into the topic of elevating the human experience through health with Boomer Anderson, founder of Decoding Superhuman. Boomer shares his journey and the inspiration behind starting his company, which offers personalized consulting and coaching services for health optimization.We also delve into the effects of sleep deprivation on our health and the vital role of sleep in promoting healthy brain functions.
Boomer shares his thoughts on using body and gene modification to become superhuman, how technology can enhance our minds in the future, as well as the common practices we can adopt for a healthy lifestyle.